05/21/22 - Day 06 - Cruising South
We woke up around 9am surrounded by very thick fog. We made it to breakfast just after 10am and were joined by two ladies from the east coast. We enjoyed some great travel chat, and before we knew it, it was 12:30pm. I guess we'll skip lunch today. Back at the stateroom, I updated my blog while Angela rested. There was a dress rehearsal of a new Two70° stage production at 4:30pm which I watched while Angela enjoyed a massage. The stage show was a modern dance show called "Star Water" that I couldn't figure out the plot or theme or how the various parts connected. None of it made any sense despite some pretty exotic dance moves. It premiers on the next sailing and involves a dance cast plus a lead singer and two back up singers along with all sorts of high tech audio visual wizardry. It was like Holland America's Step One Dance Company, but on steroids. After l...